[Vwdiesel] help: eval 85 golf

dennis pantazis dennis at pantazis.org
Wed Nov 6 21:40:14 EST 2002

greetings all:

i have been lurking for a while on the list.

i am going to look at an 1985 golf deisel, 5sp . 160k. still gets 50mpg.
overall good condition. small crack in the winsheild. seller basically
inherited the car, does not know much about it. po supposedly took decent
care of it.
has a/c but  unknown.  'heat works real good.'

aside from the 'usual,' is there anything that i should pay particular
attention to?

one thing i am wondering, how does one check status of the struts?

is the clutch in these completely manual or are they hydraulic?

thanks in advance


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