[Fwd: Re: [Vwdiesel] winter oil]

dominique cormann dcormannml at rogers.com
Fri Nov 15 12:22:26 EST 2002

For us canadians, we have another economical choice. Petro Canada's
Synthetic Duron 5w40. Its half the price of Mobil Delvac 1 5w40 at

Its a very good oil, and like Mobil, Petro Canada has been doing lots of
extended drain testing to push the industry to move to extended drains
and use of synthetic oils.

Our jetta TD (91), has now 536,000 kms on it, and has lived on dino
15w40 all its life, with 10w30 during the winter (mix of Esso diesel oil,
Rotella, or Delo 400).

This winter I've switched to using the Tech2000 0w30 from walmart.  Its
a group III oil ( what most companies call a synthetic including walmart ),
that is made by Quaker State for walmart. Its SL and CF rated (
according to QS ), but doesn't show the Cx rating on the jug. Since its
only CF, I'll only keep it in for 3 months / 5000 kms. I did it as a
test to see what improvements this viscousity would make over dino 10w30.

Its a world of a difference. Car starts like its summer time. Instant,
and the oil light goes out super quick. The feels like its already
warmed up, not sluggish like it normally does until warm.

Mileage has even returned to summer mileage.

I still wouldn't use this grade during the summer, so the next oil
change I'll be switching to Petro Canada's Duron 5w40, and changing the
oil twice a year.

On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 8:05:54 -0500
Gerry <gerry.wolfe at sympatico.ca> wrote:

> I would agree with Loren.  Manual/bible calls for 15w40 for temps down to about -20C, lighter below that.
> I've used Rotella XLA 15w40 year round (Toronto has similar climate to Chicago) with no probs; frequently visit friends living on the Quebec/Vermont border.  I'm currently using Delvac synth 5w40 Dec-Mar, but only because I got some at a "relatively" good price at a local Wallymart.
> :-{
> >
> > From: LBaird119 at aol.com
> > Date: 2002/11/13 Wed PM 10:40:25 EST
> > To: vwdiesel at audifans.com
> > Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] winter oil
> >
> > I've always used 15W/40 year round.  I've seen 30 or so below.  There might
> > be thinner oils for really cold weather but if it'll crank fast enough to
> > start
> > then it doesn't seem like it's much of an issue.  :)
> >      Loren
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   o  |~>                                      Dominique Cormann
| (\._[~]                                 dcormann at rogers.com
|~|) |~~|                             http://kozmik.guelph.on.ca

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