[Vwdiesel] valve shims

Scott Sullivan gersil0 at lycos.com
Sat Nov 16 15:03:44 EST 2002


It is quite easy to figure out what shims you will need, just use the method you described below. Often you will be moving some shims around and need to buy few new ones.  My local import parts place sold the shims for $3.00 each.  They have since changed hands and do not cary them any more.


On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 13:42:12
 dennis pantazis wrote:
>nate asked about valve shims. i too am looking for a source. i havn;t called
>around yet, but i am surprised that they are soo expensive.
>question: how does one know which valve shims to get? would we have to
>measure clearance, remove shim, measure and then do the math?
>exist shim thickness + exist clearance - desired clearance = new shim
>then a trip to dealer/phone parts place....
>am i ner-do-well-er where?
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