[Vwdiesel] Diesel ads

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Wed Nov 20 22:51:52 EST 2002

LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>> We
>> need a better variety of diesels around here!
>  Dad talked to a guy today that had a BMW 535 TD...  and another engine
> and tranny in the garage with a nice body sitting outside waiting for
> it.  AND
> he just bought a cherry one from somewhere in the Midwest, plus he has
> accumulated several spare parts.

If I ever make enough money to move up from crazy to truly eccentric,
one of my sick dreams is to collect one of every type of Diesel car
imported to America.  Most of them aren't real expensive, just a little
hard to find.  Expensive part would be finding the parts for some of them.
As it is, however, I'm doing good to afford enough parts to keep the
Jetta alive.


'85 Jetta TD  275,500 mi.

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