[Vwdiesel] FS: 1984 Rabbit D

Kris krisa at subtend.net
Thu Nov 21 22:34:06 EST 2002

:( Time to sell the rabbit.  The project I have been working on since
June.  Asking $1650.

Runs great.  I've gone out at 3AM in the morning after it sitting a week
and it starts right up.  No smoke with the cold knob out and once warmed
up, no smoke with it pushed in either.

I paid $1200 for it and have put some money into fixing it up: $200
rebuild head (looks new!), new injectors, new glow plugs, all new
 cooling hoses, head gasket, fuel line (fliter to pump),
filters (oil/fuel/air), pressure senders (temp & oil), timing belt,
v-belt, new used radiator from gasser, the list goes on...

I'm going to loose a bit of money selling this cute little 2-door.  All
the details can be found here[1].

For an extra $70 I'll throw in timing pump dial indicator adaptor,
camshaft lock bar, the Bentley service manual, and GTI-like leather
stearing wheel.

Oh yeah.. located in Portland, OR.
phone: 503-703-6401

[1] http://www.subtend.net/phpwiki/index.php/RabbitDiesel

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