[Vwdiesel] Re: [Audi-VW-Diesels] Fw: SUV Bashing

Bill Truesdell bhfarms at suscom-maine.net
Wed Nov 27 11:56:50 EST 2002

Dana Morphew wrote:

> Monday evening, one of the news shows said the Arctic ice sheet has
> diminished 10%
> in the last decade.  A trend(?) and will it accelerate?  Doesn't
> matter since we
> can only stop adding to what is already in the atmosphere and can't
> remove what is
> in place (unless we really do start compressing CO2 and burying it
> deep in the
> oceans).  I would like to find confirmation for the 10% decrease.  I
> don't think the
> mainstream media will give it much notice since keeping the consuming
> public
> uninformed/misinformed is paramount.
> Dana
Reported in the national media many months ago and quickly debunked.
Actually, it shows up with some regularity. 10% is well within the
historical norm. A greater worry is that warming always precedes an ice
age. Either way- global warming or an ice age-, sell short.

Lets keep the list to diesel topics. A lot more factual and interesting.

Bill Truesdell
Bath, Me (where the normal conditions over the past 100 million years is
the land is under 1 kilometer of ice.)

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