[Vwdiesel] Starts fine dies later

Fudny at aol.com Fudny at aol.com
Thu Oct 3 17:25:30 EDT 2002

Here is a twist on the push start postings. My 85 NA 1.6 starts fine but after running 3-5 minutes it feels like it runs out of fuel. Sometimes it will just barley keep running and sometimes it stalls. It will either sudenly pick up full power or if it stalls I can start it with the starter immediatly and not happen again till the following morning. Afternoons all is fine.

I ran some anti algeaside and injector cleaner for a couple of tank fulls drained the separator and installed a new filter and the problem still exists.

What do all you think

TIA - Terry
85 2dr. Jetta 1.6 NA
78 MB 300CD

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