[Vwdiesel] Donor Dasher?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Oct 6 03:29:36 EDT 2002

In a message dated 10/3/2002 11:38:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
tjwandel at hotmail.com writes:

> Will the grill, headlights, and turn signals from a dasher fit an A1 body? I
>  found an old dasher with good front end that I would like to put on my 81'
>  Caddy. Any thoughts? Tom

  Doesn't sound all that attractive to me.  I have both and I don't think
fit.  Maybe onto a Scirroco but not likely a Rabbit.
  I need a front turn signal and possibly a green dash if it has one.  :-)
missing a "roof rack" SS rail.  I told my son to pick them all up when
we moved the car. I found one more with the orchard mower.  :(  He's now
one short.

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