[Vwdiesel] broken head bolt

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Mon Oct 7 10:07:18 EDT 2002

Never had this happen (but feared it might), but I bet that stub sticking out will come right out. The way bolts hold stuff together, is that they stretch like a rubber band and provide a constant clamping force. The're hard to remove under these conditions, or if siezed. Since its now broken, it will be close to finger tight (unless siezed). Use a big fat pair of vice grips on it. I've had rust in the holes of mine too. I think its from coolant getting in there, or being in there when the bolt is put in in the first place.


Holly wrote:

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hi all,
>       I was changing the head gasket on my daughters 82 VW Rabbit diesel and one of the head bolts snapped off leaving about 1/2 to 3/4 inches above the block.  I have heated it up and put penetrating oil on it and I am going to attempt to take it off tomorrow.  Any other suggestions out there.  Also, a couple of the other bolts came out with red powdery rust on the threads. Do you think those threads will hold the head bolt torque. I put oil down those threads and ran the bolts in and out of them a couple of times.  Thanks for any suggestions out there.
> Thanks
> Dave
> --
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