[Vwdiesel] TD swap black smoke from using NA exhaust?

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Fri Oct 11 15:46:52 EDT 2002

Black smoking under low RPM w/ a load can usually be remedied by turning OUT
the full load stop screw about 1/8th turn. (Also called the smoke screw).
Both the TDs and the NAs have it. Its the screw onthe SIDE of the pump w/
the stainless steel anti-tamper sleeve spot welded to it. You can turn it
out, but not in. Out = less fuelling under load. Undo its locknut first.


Milton Kaplan wrote:

> James,
> The Canadian mechanic who installed the td engine also suggested putting
> on a proper free breathing exhaust system and report back before
> tampering with anything. He said everything is timed and properly
> adjusted. Meanwhile as Loren suggests, I will keep rpm's up to reduce
> loading the engine, causing the smoke for now.
> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 23:58:49 -0600 James Hansen <jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca>
> writes:
> > Well, if the wind can't get out, it can't get in.  Intake air would
> > be at
> > pressure from the turbo, so boost aneroid would consider there to be
> > lots of
> > fuel needed, but just not the same volume of air could get in the
> > cylinder
> > due to exhaust backpressure, not as much oxygen, hence smoke.  Sound
> > right?
> > -James
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