[Vwdiesel] Propane injection installation

Milton Kaplan teacher525 at juno.com
Sat Oct 12 23:26:18 EDT 2002

Soldering pencil handy? Don't see what Roger suggested but this sounds
like a case for a pushbutton and an SCR. When the power is off the SCR
resets to off. Pushbutton activates circuit which will stay on until
power is cut off via ignition.  Acts like a latching impulse relay at far
less cost. Get at Radio Shack. See one of their small circuit booklets
for wiring.


 when I turn it on  BUT I want a switch that will reset itself to off
> when
> the electricity is cut off.  Any help here would be appreciated.  I
> have
> been to a number of FLAPS, Radio Shack, and Fryes Electronics.  Any
> ideas?
> What do you call this type of switch?  Thanks, hayden

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