[Vwdiesel] Sometimes life sucks!

Anton Largiader largiader at worldlynx.net
Tue Oct 15 16:29:24 EDT 2002

I echo Sandy's thoughts.  Tracy drove the TDI for 120 miles with mostly gas
in the tank.  The only trouble she noticed is that the temp was running
hotter and then, of course, it wouldn't restart after she turned it off.  No
engine damage, injectors and pump seem to be fine.  This was 30k or 40k
miles ago, and all seems well after simply flushing the fuel system out.

Anton Largiader, Chester Springs, PA
'94 K75RT, '93 R100GSPD,  '94 R1100RSA, '98 Jetta TDI
anton at largiader.com   http://www.largiader.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sandy Cameron" <scameron at compmore.net>

> At 10:37 PM 10/14/02 EDT, you wrote:
> >  Then we get a phone call that my son was trying to be helpful and
> >put $10 worth of unleaded in my Rabbit!
> That's about 8 gallons? If there's any room in the tank for 8 gallons of
> diesel or more, FILL IT UP! and drive it, It should clear up ok.
> It needs at least 50% diesel to provide the cetane to ensure compression
> ignition, 1 Gallon added to 8 of gas won't help. The octane additives in
> gasoline prevent compression ignition and overpower the cetane in the
> bit of diesel.
> >I don't have time to drain, refill, maybe change injectors, pump.  <Sigh>
> >To top it off it's been a little low on coolant and I'm just hoping it
> >enough to let it get too hot through all this.
> Not likely. All you have to do is get rid of the gas, either by burning
> or sucking it out. (get the kid to suck it out, maybe he'll be more
> next time:-) but you need at least 50% or more diesel to keep it running
> until the gas is used up.
> Sandy
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