[Vwdiesel] re-ring: piston ring brands

Tyler "casioqv" Backman casioqv at usermail.com
Mon Oct 28 12:57:17 EST 2002

I am planning to rebuild the 2.4 liter VW inline 6 in my volvo diesel,
and am wondering what rings to use. I would like to obtain optimal fuel
economy (I get 30mpg right now, would like to raise to at least 35). I
would also like to get the maximum longevity I can. I only do long
distance driving (at least 50 miles each startup, usually hundreds) with
the vehicle, and usually drive it very easy (about 55mph, 2000 rpm). I
usually try to keep the rpms as low as possible without lugging, but
will run it up once in a while to keep it cleaned out (but I always run
injector cleaner / lubricant additive). I would like to see if I could
push 500k miles before I have to tear the motor apart again. I also need
the utmost reliability, as I am planning trips such as a drive from the
northern United States, to the tip of South America. Originally I was
planning to use total seal rings, but have heard from a few people that
they sometimes break, or never seat. I like the idea of the lack of a
piston gap, which might save a lot of money in the long run on oil loss
costs (is this significant, any experience?) I am also considering deves
rings, but have heard of breaking problems with them also. Any ideas or
recommendations? I have also been toying with the idea of an accusump
pe-oiler to provide oil before startup. Any suggestions?

Nate Wall wrote:

 > <<<Put the rings in DRY!  No oil on
 > the rings or groves other than what they scrape off.>>
 > Why is this? For proper break-in? The Total Seal instructions say
this too. I
 > really oiled the rings, pistots, and bores when I re-ringed.
 > --Nate

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