[Vwdiesel] exhaust manifold spring clamp tool

Lee Hillsgrove hillsgrove at adelphia.net
Wed Oct 30 09:09:48 EST 2002

>I recall that someone on the list came up with an ingenius way of making a
>tool to remove and reinstall these U spring clamps on the exh manifold.  If
>the creator or anyone else could reply as to how they went about making one
>of these (something to do with using a c clamp?) it would be greatly

  Here's a post I made and saved to my archives some time ago. The link
might bring you to the main page; if so, click on the "tools of the trade"
link there:


Now, why didn't I think of that........ Only thing I'd do is tack weld a
couple of stops at the top of the clamp so the clip couldn't slip off. And
to think I went ahead and bought the "correct" tool - that's reason enough
to say that I'll never have to pull another headpipe ever again!

 * And no, I still haven't pulled a downpipe since I wrote that, 2 years
ago! *

  Here's an archived post from Drew:

You can use inexpensive wedge tools (don't have the VW no handy) to R&R
these clips.  Somebody posted the following dimensions to usenet a few
years ago.  I've been using this method on a myriad of A1 and A2 cars
since that time.  Make the wedge out of plate steel, 1/8" should be thick
enough.  To remove the exhaust clamps, use the following procedure:

from under the car pull the exhaust all the way to one side.  This will
expand the opposite spring clip so you can insert the wedge.  Once the
wedge is seated in the clip, pull the exhaust to the other side (removing
front hangers if so equipped may make this easier).  You will then be able
to remove the first clip.  Drive the wedge out with a hammer (carefully!)
and expand the second clip by moving the exhaust to the opposite side.
Insert the wedge, pull the exhaust back, and remove the clip.

To install you follow the same procedure.  Drive the wedge into the clip
ahead of time with a hammer (I find this to be easiest with the clip
resting on top of the vice, which is open 1/2" or so).

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There is a tool which looks like a cross between a c-clamp and a vice-grip
which costs about $150 that also does a slick job.  I saw somewehre on the
net a tool made from a bolt and some hooks/chain that looked quite slick.
I may have a go at fashioning one of these in my spare time.  IN the
meantime, the wedge is fast, relatively easy, and it takes up next to no
space in my toolbox (which is why it's so damned hard to find

 James Hansen contributed this:

Hi all!
Here's what works for me... I've lost so much hide screwing with other
tools that I will just say... "Make this!"  You will never save more time by
spending 10 minutes with a hacksaw, and what I like about it is that the
thicker material makes a heavier tool, and is easier to install because of
this... and it does not ever bend.   Use a piece of 3" flat iron, 1/4" thick
and 4" long.   Coat one side of the piece with magic marker so you can see
scribe marks.  With a scribe, draw a centerline across the 3" dimension to
as a reference line, dividing the plate into 2 halves 2" on each side.
one 4" side, scribe a line 1/4" from the edge. on this line, make a mark
from each end.  On the other edge, make two marks 1-1/2" on either side of
centerline. Now join the marks on each side of the reference line.  With a
hacksaw, cut away the metal outside the lines you have drawn, and poof!
clip removal tool. I like this one because the gentle taper is really easy
insert and remove from the clamp, and can usually be done with hand
as there is generally no room for much else, and the 2 ears at the top are
to remind you to push no further or the clamp is screwed.  Generally, the
is removed and installed when it's only 3/4 of the way on the tool.

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  Hope this helps,


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