[Vwdiesel] Valve Adjustment

boyer at cts.com boyer at cts.com
Mon Sep 9 10:00:47 EDT 2002

Hi, Nate...what you'll find is that you want to start out with a
thick shim after the head is rebuilt...because the valve will sink
into the head as the seat wears and that will reduce clearance betw.
the lifter and the cam lobe.  You'll use progressively thinner shims
as the mileage increases.  If you're already at the thinnest, you
don't have much adjustment area remaining.  The machine shop should
have either put in seats or cut the end of the valve to increase

Chris Boyer
San Diego, CA

>What's odd is that almost every shim in the head was the thinnest one on
the chart
>(marked 330). There was even a #220 installed, and Bentley does not even
list them
>as that thin. I think the head must have been recently rebuilt (there is a
>fresh/shiney VC stamped in the head) and the thinnest shims were used in
the hopes
>that the valves would wear in. Well anyway, the motor that runs great just
>that much better now. More power and much quiter.
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