[Vwdiesel] alternator Q's

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Mon Sep 16 12:55:41 EDT 2002

I can get the pulley nut off if the alt. belt is still on and I give the ratchet
a nice fast whack w/ a 2 X 4 with the 24 MM socket on the pulley nut.

LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

>   The worst part would be if the stupid little plastic thing has gone to pot
> and
> lets the shaft and bearing wobble in the case.  If you catch it early enough
> it might not be damaged but I don't recall anybody finding replacements for
> those plastic things.
>   I managed to drive about an hour with no alternator and that was at night.
> IT was late the moon was bright and I'd turn the lights off when no cars
> were around.  Interesting drive almost home.  You can go quite a distance
> if you leave the fan, radio, lights and whatnot all off.  Seems like a
> rebuild
> is about $90.
>   I've never had a problem opening one up. You really need an impact
> gun to pull the nut off the pulley though.  The bearings are fun to try
> and get off the shaft without a press though.  New ones will carefully
> drive on.
>      Loren
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