[Vwdiesel] Another way to defeat the worm (NDC)

Harmon Seaver hseaver at cybershamanix.com
Tue Sep 17 01:08:31 EDT 2002

   Better yet, download some other mail reader. Outlook is just one big virus
magnet, it will never stop. Get rid of it and 99% of your virus problems will be
over. I think viruses are rather amusing, actually, you'd think people would get
sick of the whole thing and quit using trashy software.

On Mon, Sep 16, 2002 at 12:56:31PM -0700, maded wrote:
> The topic of the .klez worm has come up several times.  It was noted that
> the worm "spoofs" email addresses and therefore appears to come from someone
> other than the actual sender.
> My ISP has asked all subscribers  to change the outgoing setting and to
> require "authentication" thus defeating the spoofing ability of the worm.
> This meant I had to upgrade my "Outlook Express" for Mac to the latest
> version which was an hour download but was otherwise painless.  You may want
> to investigate doing the same to protect yourself and the list from unwanted
> viruses using your email address.
> --
> Ed Lowe, Seattle
> 82 Westy diesel upgrading to 1.9td
> 85 Golf diesel
> 92 Cabrio
> 97 Passat Tdi
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Harmon Seaver

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