[Vwdiesel] Busy day and Propane injection

dieseltdi at earthlink.net dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 21 21:38:21 EDT 2002

Spent time today working on the Caddy.  Took out those nasty vent windows
that the previous owner sealed shut with silicone and replaced them with
some fixed vent windows from a Jetta.  Took about 2 hours total with time
off for a Dr. Pepper break.  Hardest part of the job was getting the old
windows out. I also spent about an hour chasing down a water leak.  When I
fixed the big rust hole on the passengers side wheel well I thought I had
sealed up all of the remaining small holes with seam sealer and spray
undercoating (after treating with rust convertor of course).  Well anyway,
every time it rains the floor board is still full of water on the Passenger
side. (Since I had the door panels off I also checked the condition of the
plastic sheeting and repaired a few small tears) I went back over all of the
seams between repair plates and then put on a good coat of rubberized
undercoating on both the inside and and the outside.  I also went all around
the windshield seal with silicone.  I know, I know but the windshield is
broken and will need to be replaced before the next inspection and I will
get a new seal then.  The turbo engine is in the garage with some new fast
glow plugs from Jack in Ohio and 4 good tested injectors installed.  I have
also painted the valve cover and the crank pully.  Now if I can just get a
weekend to put that thing in the truck!!

Now for some TDI content.  I have been pondering propane injection for some
time but the price of the Powershot 2000 from Diesel perfomance products
really put me off (almost $600!).  Anyway, one came up on ebay and I tried
to get it (it had been installed in a TDI Jetta and the owner said it was
really great) but was outbid.  Anyway last week I did a search on Propane
injection on ebay and came across a different system being sold by a Rice
parts seller.  I inquired as to whether the system could be used on a diesel
and was told that it would work just fine.  Anyway, 9 days and a bid of $232
later and I am the proud owner of a propane injection system.  I was hoping
that it would be in before next weekend when I will be pulling a trailer
again but it won't come in time for me to get it installed.  Anyway, I will
install the system and then keep everyone updated on the performance.  I am
particularly interested in the effect on EGT since the propane comes out of
the bottle a around -60 degrees as it expands from the liquid state to the
vapor state.  Anyway I will let you know how it goes.  Hayden

-- Visit my homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~dieseltdi
    2002 Jetta Wagon GLS TDI
    98 Jetta TDI (Silver Arrow)
    98 Jetta TDI (daughter's car)
    90 Corrado (son's car, gas :^P)
    81 VW Rabbit Pickup (Caddy, Diesel of course, awaiting
    a TD engine transplant)
    And many, many water cooled and aircooled
    VW cars now departed or sold.

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