[Vwdiesel] Cam broke D-Westy

Anton Largiader largiader at worldlynx.net
Mon Sep 23 15:59:39 EDT 2002

You broke the cam and you don't think the pistons hit the valves?  That's
what breaks the cam: the pistons smashing the valves into it.  Happened to
my dad; he gambled and only replaced the head, and won.  Original pistons
and valves still fine (but they did hit).

Did I miss a post with some other explanation of why the cam could be

Anton Largiader, Chester Springs, PA
'94 K75RT, '93 R100GSPD,  '94 R1100RSA, '98 Jetta TDI
largiader at worldlynx.net   http://members.aol.com/alargiader/
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Sullivan" <gersil0 at lycos.com>

> Well I finally got around to pulling the head off my D-Westy.  The cam
broke and I cannot find any other damage.  It does not look like any of the
valves hit the pistons.  I think that I can just replace the cam and it
should be all right.  Has anyone had this happen before and should I be
looking for damage anywhere else?  Luckily my other D-Westy is running
great.  Never hurts to have a spare Westy.

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