[Vwdiesel] Cam broke D-Westy

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Sep 23 19:16:30 EDT 2002

> Be careful when locating a replacement cam. Diesel cams are different for
> mechanical and hydraulic lifter heads. The dealer told me this. Not sure
> though. The change occurred beginning of 1986 model year.
  Hydraulic cams typically have a faster "ramp" on the opening side to get
a quick plunge on the hydraulic lifter in order to pump it up for each stroke.
Admittedly the non hydraulics have an awfully steep ramp to start with!
  I don't see how one can break a cam and not have pistons pushing
valves to do it.  I've seen several heads that proved they were indeed
interference!  Most had two to 7 bent valves.  One broke the cam and
bent about 5 valves.  Nearly all valves that bend will mushroom the
lifter bucket as well.  I've yet to see a piston damaged.  A little
from the meeting, but still reusable.

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