[Vwdiesel] 'H' is for horrible...'M' is for miser

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 3 06:12:11 EST 2003

That's a great price. Schley had an on-the-car bearing
press for VWs and it was costly, like $400 or so! I
recall Honda used some of the lathes to turn the
rotors on the car. Do you run the car in gear to turn
the rotors? I had an '80 Datsun 310 (The 310 was
Datsun's first stab at front wheel drive. As I recall,
the hub (w/ rotor attached) had to be removed and
front bearings had to be pressed off at a shop to get
the rotor off. I could see using an on-the-car lath in
this case!

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> > How about these for doing your wheel bearings?
> >
> >
>   Those are nice.  Save a lot of hassle sometimes.
> Makes me think of those
> on-the-car brake lathes too. :)
> >
> >  And how about a clamshell style spring
> compressor?
> >
> >
> >
>   Then there's this one, for those that want it easy
> but don't have air.
>  <A
> &category=6754">eBay Motors item 2409654303 (Ends
> Apr-05-03 21:12:31 PST ) -
> •••••</A>
>   I can't seem to find any references to a pneumatic
> one like we had at the
> dealer.  Talk about nifty!  Wiggle it in place, pull
> the trigger and it was
> compressed! :)
>      Loren
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