[Vwdiesel] MPG 88 Jetta ?

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Fri Apr 4 07:04:07 EST 2003

On 3 Apr 2003 at 20:19, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> > I topped it up, and have driven 260kms and it's a bit under 3/4 of a tank.
> >  Would "seem" I could get around 700kms a tank.
> >
> >  Does this seem about right?
>   That's about what I get.  They should do better and some do, like Nate's.
> I got about 39mpg previously but it has about enough miles to start getting
> better mileage after the rering on the rebuild.  I've been getting about 37.
> Run your tire pressures up around or at the maximum.  It helps the mileage
> and doesn't hurt the ride or handling much, if noticeably at all.
>      Loren

My '85 Jetta gets anywhere from 800km to 1000km on a tank, depending on season
and driving conditions. This is with a 1.6TD engine; it used to get about 800-950km
per tank on the old 1.6NA engine. A typical fill is around 47-50 liters.

Shawn Wright, I.T. Manager
Shawnigan Lake School
swright at SLS.bc.ca

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