[Vwdiesel] Removing Old bearings. --Ball and Roller.

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Fri Apr 4 22:27:41 EST 2003

> Hagar uses
> carbon rod and dc welder on stubborn ones.Carbon rod does not
> STICK like a welding rod does for beginners.

Well, the whole point is for it to stick Hagar.  When the welding rod or mig
wire you apply cools, it shrinks, and pulls the outer diameter smaller.  It
pulls the outer diameter of the outer race smaller in this case, shrinking
it away from the housing.  For an inner race on a shaft, lay it on an anvil,
and give one stout blow perpendicular to the shaft axis.  THis will crack
the inner race, and it is removed easily. You can do this with two hammers
and simultaneous blows from either side if no anvil is at hand.  Otherwise,
torch cutting is the choice.

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