[Vwdiesel] Gas Torch Rant
Val Christian
val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Sat Apr 5 11:28:03 EST 2003
I have a light weight Linde torch, a so called aircraft torch,
which I bought 28 years ago. My friends all bought macho big
torches. Mine fits in corners better, and I'm not gas welding
a battleship. I even use it for silver soldering starter motor
brushes. The smallest tip is 1 CUFT/hr, and the largest is a
rosebud 40 CUFT/hr tip. One you can hardly hear, the other
sounds like a scaled down rocket.
See, I went to the guys in the materials lab, and asked the master
welders what I should get. They pointed me small. I chose to listen
to them. Oh, and it cost more, so I got some flack for spending more
and getting less torch. But I sure use it allot.
I'm on my second set of hoses, and I've probably gone through 100
lighter flints. Still using the same tips. Oh, and I got an air-
acetylene tip for plumbing work. Comes in handy when working
AC for HVAC stuff around the house. When I have allot of plumbing,
I take it indoors, in lieu of a propane.
I have a propane cutting tip, that I used for a big job cutting up
old farm steel. Normally, I just use acetylene.
In my "welding stuff", there are allot of different silver solders
and flux, probably 8 different braze materials, some special solders
such as those which work aluminum. I also have a mix of different
weld wire, although I seldom weld with gas. I have 6 fuel/oxy tips,
1 fuel/air "Purox" tip, a cutting attachment with a propane and a
acetylene tip. Tip cleaner, lighter and a cart. Oh, and I have several
different tanks. Locally, there is a dealer where you "own" your
tanks. I bought a small pair (60 O2, ~60 C2H2), and later through
a swap sheet got a standard sized (125 O2, etc.) from an individual
for about 1/2 price. I've picked up a couple of 02s which sometimes
get used in the airplane.
I'm explaining all this to show an end game. I started with a basic
kit, and tanks. Then someone gave me a cart.
Everything else is incremental purchases, gifts and the like.
If you're serious about fixing things, and you live in salt country,
a torch is a timesaver, and an arguable necessity. Besides, filling
lunch bags with C2H2/O2 mix and detonating them is fun when you don't
break windows.
> rings ---if you read my thread again '''the inner race was at issue '''on t=
> he front hub and back spindles. .Carbon rod is easy to control for beginner=
> s like Hagar and others. It heat up the race FAST -----so that spindle or H=
> UB has no chance to feel the heat.Mine goes red hot in NO time.Gas torches =
> do not compare here. The outer races should not be a problem for anybody --=
> --BIG hammer and drift ---will suffice.
> Arc welding --ME ? --I am a gobber --tacker --- then the the REAL guys are =
> hired.Has a ticket for Aircraft gas welding ---Chrome molly tubing.Love tho=
> se small Smith airline torches.
> For the propane torch -volks ? ---it CAN be done. Hagar.
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