[Vwdiesel] Re: vwdiesel digest, Vol 1 #533 - 8 msgs

Michael Hitchings mhitchings at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 7 17:14:31 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I'll try to find the pics. Although I am not sure of the website address. L=
et me search and see what I can find.
As far as replacing the timing belt. I think it may be a good idea although=
 it is technically brand new. I just took it out of the bag a couple of wee=
ks ago, but since I am not around home this week, the diesel that got to it=
 is just soaking in and weakening it. I was dumber than dumb in that I did =
not wash the diesel off and clean it well with detergent after the initial =
As Hagar has also requested, I will try to post the numbers on the pump so =
some more information can be provided. But like everything else, that will =
have to wait until Friday at the earliest!!!
Thanks again gang.
 Nate Wall <natewall1 at yahoo.com> wrote:Mikey:

Check out the pics I posted on the Yahoo photos
section of the Audi-VW Diesel List. Three show my
leaky pump seal and what the pump looks like after the
seal is removed and the shredded old seal. You may be
able to replace it w/ the pump mounted on the car, not
sure. Mine was not since I found the leaky seal when
the motor was being replaced. You need to remove the
timing belt and the injection pump sprocket. (The belt
just has to be slipped off the sprockets after
loosening the tensioner)--no need to remove the other
belts and pull it from the car (unless its time to
replace it, and now may be a good time!). Some here
have reported the pump pulley is hell to get off,
unless you have that $80 special pump gear puller. I
used a general purpose puller (see my pic)and got it
real tight and gave the pulley a good tap w/ a hammer.
Came right off! Then you need to get the old seal out
WITHOUT marring the pump shaft and the recess where
the seal fits. All I can say is that that seal was way
tighter than I imagined. Its metal backing kept
tearing as I tried to extract it. I tried drilling
holes in it and using a full sized seal puller, which
was too big. It finally worked, though after near an
hour messing w/ it (see the pic of the shredded old
seal!). The new one taps right in. Coat its lip w/
diesel before installing. Then install the belt,
tension and set the valve and cam timing. Good luck.

--- Michael Hitchings wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Gang,
> First, thanks all for the quick reply.
> From your diagnoses, I think it may be the front
> seal on the pump. I may have to replace that next
> weekend. Any tips there? Part number for the pump
> seal? I may have to just call the current TB toast
> as it's got fuel on it now and I won't be home again
> until Friday night...out of town on business. I
> have another so that may work.
> Thanks again.
> Mikey

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