[Vwdiesel] circlips
James Hansen
jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Tue Apr 15 00:06:03 EDT 2003
You can usually get the flange on far enough to get the circlip started on
the shaft. Using real circlip pliers is way easier, as prying and frigging
with the circlip to get it on just stretches them out of shape, so they
don't seat when in the groove fully installed. once just started on the
shaft, I can usually use a correct sized socket that just slips over the
spline, put hand pressure on the socket to hold the circlip in place, and
push it on as the flange goes on, at the same time using a deadblow hammer
to whack the flange on. If the circlip follows the flange closely, the
flange will bounce enough to allow the circlip to catch, two or three more
whacks and it's fully seated. You are not pounding on the socket, just
using the socket to push the circlip, by putting firm pressure on it. Now
if you spring the circlip, and get it out of round, you are screwed, this
won't work, you either need a new circlip, or can reshape the old one, but
that is pretty dicey, sort of on the order of hand shaping a piston ring.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-admin at vwfans.com]On
> Behalf Of jonathan hoehl
> Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2003 10:03 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] circlips
> Hello everyone!
> Driving my rabbit today, the noises from my driveshaft were
> finally starting
> to sound scary. My rabbit has also been leaking tranny fluid for quite a
> while, so I figured I would replace the oil seal behind the drive flange
> too. I've never done one of these seals before. I got the feeling I was
> opening a can of worms when I had so much trouble getting the circlip off.
> I got the flange off, and got a new seal back in OK. So, here's
> the problem
> - how do you put the circlip back on?
> The Bentley shows a special tool I know. I tried hammering a socket over
> it, screwdrivers all day, threading bolts in with washers... I
> just couldn't
> get in back on. Does anyone out there have any tricks they could share?
> Thanks for any help
> Jon
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