[Vwdiesel] temp gauge/sender

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 18 07:08:38 EDT 2003

The PO factor at work again!

--- Jeff Rakus <turbobrick at hotmail.com> wrote:
> [ Converted text/html to text/plain ]
> May be you guys can help:
>  The numbers on my engine are :
>  70  WWO
>  068 103 373 M    Also there is a
> circular symbol that  shows a arrow pointing to a 1
> then a 8 over a 9 then a "3" face down in the
> circle.
> My question is what year engine is this? I think the
> guy who cobbled this
> engine into the car was a bit crazed & and so far
> I've had to connect things
> the proper way on the fuel   system ect... I'm &
> trying to hook up the temp
> gauge and I   have found the plug under the hood
> that goes to it. the
> plug is  the black rectangle with two small
> connectors on the
> inside. The problem is I can't find where to plug it
> in to. I think
> that the engine most likely is from a earlier & car
> ( mine is a '89 Jetta). I
> also cannot find where to plug the Altitude
> compensation Vac. line into as
> there seems to be no place for  that either near the
> injector pump. I want to
> make sure the auto cooling fan for the engine works
> too.    TIA Jeff
> months FREE*.
> ===References:===
>   1. http://g.msn.com/8HMQENUS/2752
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