[Vwdiesel] Rabbit Texas Tea from my septictank--great Scott.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Apr 18 12:04:10 EDT 2003

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Just happens I have two gas pumps installed on top of my septic tank. (no f=
ooling) Regular and Supreme. Known as a win win situation.The young whipper=
snappers (hot rods) get a fill up ---and I get my tank emptied.(OK for a LO=
L ?)

In war #2  lots of fuel was made that way. In Japan from Pinestumps and Ger=
many used coal.

It is premature to declare victory --Oil at 8 to 12 dollars pr barrel. ???.=
 Av gas made from turkeys ? that flying.
Scott Kair  my comments ? thanks.                    Hagar.

PS:  The local pulpmill has turpentine as a byproduct.

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