[Vwdiesel] inj pump stop solenoid and compression, 2 questions

Michael Hitchings mhitchings at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 20 13:34:21 EDT 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Hey gang,

I am still having trouble with my '82 Rabbit Diesel 1.6 NA. I have a questi=
on about the injeciton pump stop solenoid.

I am guessing this is the unit on the driver side end of the pump that the =
12V power connects to. Right? If this piece is faulty, will the pump move a=
ny fuel through the lines, injectors, and into the engine?  It seems to be =
getting 12V, but I'm not sure if it may be bad and not working right.

Also, on top of my pump are two plunger actuated switches. One is depressed=
 when the accelerator pedal is at rest. The other one looks like it will be=
 actuated when the accelerator line hits wide-open throttle. Am I right in =
assuming this?  What happens if these are bad/faulty/not-connected.

Next question: when I want to check engine compression, what do I connect t=
he meter too? I guess the injector, correct? If so, how do I make sure I ge=
t the right meter and fittings? What is the proper compression on this engi=
ne (11mm head studs, 1.6L NA).

Thanks gang...this car is driving me nuts at the moment since I can't get h=
er going!!!



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