[Vwdiesel] Removing VC sealed with RTV?
Nate Wall
natewall1 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 24 07:48:02 EDT 2003
A couple of points here:
1. To much sealer can ooze out from under the gasket
and get in the oil and clog passages. In the past,
I've used the thinnest film of gasket sealer I could.
I later concluded that the gasket sealer did no good
whatsoever and stopped using it. Its the cork that
gets hard and non-pliable over time and leaks start.
Its good for about 10,000 miles, I've found. Its
aggrevated by the fact that an old valve cover's
sealing surface is not flat (parallel) to the head
sealing surface anymore. Just a small portion of the
valve cover sealing surface contacts the head.
I do use the smallest "dab" at the interface of the
little seal that goes over the cam carrier and the
VCG. Also, over the flat of the cam sealing rubber
plug in the head and the VCG.
Yea, every time I try to pull my valve cover it gets
hung up on the stud threds. Cussing, a beer, and
patience pays off 5 - 10 minutes later. Each time I
swear I'll drill the holes a hair bigger in the VC to
prevent this, but I haven't yet. This pulling on the
cover probally warps the sealing surface even more.
Shawn: Just try to tease it off the head w/out
bending it.
--- Shawn Wright <swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca> wrote:
> Sometime ago, before I found out about the new
> improved valve cover
> gaskets used on 1.9 diesels, I got fed up with
> leaking cork gaskets and
> used RTV silicone on my valve cover. It seemed like
> a good idea at the
> time, except now it has developed a leak, and I
> can't remove the valve
> cover! The overhang of the steel VC prevents me from
> prying it off, and
> I'm afraid of damaging the head. I've tried leverage
> against the edge of the
> VC, and it won't budge. Any ideas?
> Shawn Wright
> http://Zuiko.sls.bc.ca/swright
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