[Vwdiesel] Problem with injector lines

Tyson Cragg tyson.cragg at sympatico.ca
Tue Aug 5 22:41:22 EDT 2003

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An employee of mine has a 1992 Jetta TD that sprung a leak in the #1 cylind=
er injector line.  He tied a rag around the injector line so he could get i=
t to the wrecker's to find a replacement line.  It was basically running on=
 three cylinders until he got the car home and replaced the leaking line.  =
When he installed the new line, he started the engine, and he now says it i=
s making a "banging" sound (I have not heard the car running, so I can't de=
scribe it better).  He also says it smokes a lot more than normal.  Could h=
e have done any serious damage to the engine running it on three cylinders =
for 100 km?  I have no theories as to what might be wrong.  Any and all sug=
gestions are welcome.  For the record, the car has 450 000 km on it.  Car r=
an strong before this happened.

Tyson K. Cragg
1985 Jetta Diesel
1996 Passat TDI Wagon
2002 Cabrio GLX

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