[Vwdiesel] Downloading Raw archive. -- ( I could not do it )
H .Hagar
h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Aug 7 09:46:19 EDT 2003
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
William A Thompson --- I like your style of writing --had the same problem =
some time ago. Am happy now. Archive on favorites and subscribed to dail=
y digest. Also save in local folder. This allows me to read a lot of arc=
hive off line.
To fine-tune a rabbit to quit smoking --piece of cake --- fine-tune the com=
puters - now that's a nightmare.
Anyway how did you find this place ? --I just stumbled in here, at exactly=
the right moment. I had just been quoted 5000 dollars Canadian from Capila=
no Volkswagen dealership "Stealership" BC. Hope they sue me.
Some one asked why the password ??? the way I see it that slows down access=
to membership list with email addresses.
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