[Vwdiesel] Engine hints --- ( for Gavrik Peterson et.al)

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Aug 8 20:27:17 EDT 2003

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Gavrik I do remember , I did not answer that one because you had such a cle=
ar case . The others did a good job so I sat by.        Coolant very likely=
 wound up in sump and exhaust pipe.  If you do a blotter test on lube it wi=
ll show.The problem is legendary because of expansion factor of 2 to one Al=
uminium to Iron.Pays to keep a coool head. When you are finished with gaske=
t archives has a lot of tuning to perfection information. I have two Rabbit=
s  and both go like stink NO smoke.After some very extensive adjustments to=
 pump.Both used to smoke like crazy when I got them.And the fellas here wer=
e just great.IRS got my money --so this is a DIY part of the woods. And yes=
 I am 70 + and retired , but still get up at 0500 every day, so I can fiddl=
e with Rabbits all day long---having the time of my life mechanically speak=
ing --totally sold on  those Bunny's     ---- sure was the greenest I ever =
saw in Seattle when I came from LAX where the tarmac was PAINTED green.I fo=
llow most of the progress of newbies --- amazing how fast some people learn=
.You do not need to download complete archive to use it off line--- it sits=
 in temp memory for some time I just bring all the messages up on screen th=
en go off line. And the switching is instant from one to another. From favo=
rites to cancel the dial up works here. Windows ME.

PS: Yes it does mean the leak pressurizes the cooling system , almost insta=
ntaneously. I know from a GM V8.

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