[Vwdiesel] diesel rated coolant ?? - ( bet your butt Gavrik.)

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Aug 9 17:53:09 EDT 2003

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Gavrik your present problem is a perfect case for using "Diesel" coolant. U=
sually the leak starts real small ,no loss of coolant. Just exhaust gas in =
to coolant. The coolant has a neutralizer "chemical" that takes care of sul=
fur compounds from dieselfuel. Very important. ----I have a V8 diesel here =
where all the pipes and water pump was completely destroyed (not very old e=
ither) because PO used a lifetime coolant,never was changed to get rid of a=
cids.  Diesels are known for this problem.If you want to go first class hav=
e it tested when you send in your 18 dollar oilsample.  This hillbilly know=
s to change coolant every year or two. In your case it went on to the dange=
r stage ,  coolant to cylinder ( unless you discover that pressure caused a=
 leaky seal or hose.     Next would be a bent rod or something.  The bright=
 spot is that sulfur is being reduced in fuel. Extra additives are availabl=
e fairly cheap.Some truckfleets do it by testing.
Hagar.             PS: it is possible to detect coolant in lube with blotte=
rtest. The labtesting of oil tests automatically as far as I know.   DO a g=
oogle   for  blotter test.  watch out for "ACIDS" LOL
The desire to learn increases steeply,after a towbill and a new motor.. My =
towtruck nightmares are now gone.  Thank you lord.

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