[Vwdiesel] Two cycle oil woes. -- ( Too pricey here )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Aug 12 17:00:56 EDT 2003

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Cost from Canadian tire store  for 4 litre jug  17.05  dollars canadian.  W=
al-Mart sells only 1 litre jugs here.
cost before taxes and eco-fees (eco-tax)  2.50 dollars pr litre.   Loren I =
am testing --using the case i found in shed.  Soon I shall know minimum to =
add to get timing to work.(for newbies , amount varies with injection pump =
condition).  I shall start with Roger Browns formula. Roger is that stanady=
ne the one with ethylhexyl nitrate ??? (standard cetane improve).      I sh=
all look further.    Hagar.

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