[Vwdiesel] Injection timing of Old Volks # 8 . ( first testdrive )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Aug 13 08:22:56 EDT 2003

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Sorry about two # 7's.        Pick yous test hill  so you can make her smok=
e at full pedal. If she does not smoke at full power. Turn fueling screw in=
 a quarter turn.   If you can make her smoke but she has no poop, give her =
the bottle.    Use heavy single grade lube oil and diesel mix. If you get l=
ots of power and you are able to back off on fueling screw for little smoke=
 and power is still there . The problem is the internal timing mechanism. L=
ikely worn vane pump and or timing piston. In that case the choice is repla=
ce pump (my choice) or send away for overhaul (very expensive).  If you are=
 lucky and all the problem was pump adjustments. Finish these settings and =
move on to turning the pump. We will deal with that in # 9.
For those of you who still have problems tell us in the forum and we can de=
al with it all together.
This looks difficult and complicated at first ----  really,    it is a piec=
e of cake and a lot of fun.    Hagar.
PS: use special 9 point 13 mm wrench on fueling locknut and screwdriver or =
craftsman ignition wrench on screw. Use your imagination to make it easy to=
 do on roadside.      Hagar.

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