[Vwdiesel] Prevention - was Engine Hints

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 14 05:42:45 EDT 2003

<<<On my 1.6TD, there is a round plastic thing which I
believe is designed for this purpose also, but is not
present on the 1.6NA.>>>

This is the pressure regulator. Its purpose is to
prevent negative crancase pressure during high boost
conditions (the turbo really pulls air past where the
crancase breather hose connects to the intake boot and
can create a vacuum in the hose). Neg. pressure can
lead to dirt migration past the engine seals. At least
this is what I think its for. I fiddles w/ mine
(removed) and that is exactally the way it acts,
limits back-flow through it. In fact, it stops it.


<<<The windage tray is also on the TD, but not the

Very interesting. Since both my TDs have one, and I
never saw under the valve cover of an NA, I thought
all VW diesels had 'em.

--- Shawn Wright <swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca> wrote:
> On 13 Aug 2003 at 15:26, Forrest L King
> <forrestking at juno.com> wrote:
> > Ok guys -  I see that we have had a lengthy
> discussion on the bad things
> > that can happen with a 'runaway engine'   - now,
> what can we do about
> > it?
> >
> > I currently run a Valve Cover (VC) that  has a
> small integrated pocket in
> > which some steel wool is placed - the purpose,
> obviously, is to allow the
> > oil to congregate on the steel wool and drip back
> down into the engine -
> > instead of being blown out of the Vent into the
> Air cleaner.
> On my 1.6TD, there is a round plastic thing which I
> believe is designed for this
> purpose also, but is not present on the 1.6NA.
> > On my gas engine there was a plastic sheet, often
> called a windage tray,
> > that was situated dirctly beneath the VC on top of
> the cam towers.  Would
> > this tray prevent the oil from being blown out if
> i installed on on my
> > diesel?
> (at least on mine). In my case
> the runaway TD was caused by neglecting the air
> filter AND overfilling the oil (I
> added some without waiting for the oil level to
> stabilize, leaving it well over the full
> mark. I don't know that these factors would work the
> same on a NA, since it won't
> make vacuum like a TD does, so a clogged filter may
> not have the same effect.
> --
> Shawn Wright
> http://Zuiko.sls.bc.ca/swright
> '88 Westy 375k
> '85 Jetta D 263k
> '85 Jetta TD 482k (retired)
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