[Vwdiesel] Injection timing of Old Volks # 9 ( turnng the pump )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Aug 14 09:10:52 EDT 2003

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If things turned out , just like here , we go on to the "fine-tuning"  .   =
     20 Dec 1997  I see a rabbit in town with a cardboard sign on the back =
saying FOR SALE .    Handed him a check on the 25 Dec 1997.He took the bus =
back to civilization. 1.6L NA 2 door  4 speed manual   259958.3 Km on odo. =
No block-heater.Blotter test , too black for my money. But is was drive-abl=
e=2E     Drove it from  Dec 97 to Dec 2002 smoking and not getting up them =
thar hills in 4th.   Then came the experiments with Aviation lube added to =
fuel ( ESSO AD-100)  now she flies up them thar hills in 4th no smoke. No w=
ay of  wiping the grin of Hagars face now.  I followed the outlined procedu=
re to the letter.
Turning the pump :  ---SMALL movements now !!! one pencil line at the time.=
Turn pump against rotation - i.e. top of pump towards engine. But if she so=
unds good and you are happy with power and smoke level . just leave it alon=
e=2E , and enjoy. Too retarded -- NO danger . Too advanced hard on engine. =
Then I did the same thing to two more engines (one turbo) got exactly the s=
ame results. And yes there is a lot of GOLD in them thar hills. If you want=
 to take the kids goldpanning I have the perfect spot for you.No equipment =
alloved ---use showell and pan. I got "pinger" gold in every pan. Nice camp=
site (free) to boot. Belongs to BC Hydro
Have fun         Hagar.

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