[Vwdiesel] New engine help 1.9NA diesel

Nate Wall natewall1 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 24 20:06:07 EDT 2003

The VW industrial engines use an injection pump with a
governer in them that suites the engine for constant
loads/stationary operation. Your best bet is to
replace the injection pump w/ an automotive one.
Perhaps $200 or so can get you the correct pump. Try
e-Bay. I see lots of them there. The engine should be
the same in all other aspects.

--- Michael Snow <mwsnow at cox.net> wrote:
> With some timely assistance from several people, the
> new engine runs.
> 0.90mm is right on for the pump timing.  Thanks to
> Mark Shepherd, Robert
> Keezer and Sandy Cameron :-)
> I learned some new tricks in the process, which
> should be educational
> for anyone else who has to do this.
> First thing, the injector pump was so full of
> garbage that it could not
> pump fuel.  We tried gravity feeding (through an
> inline fuel filter)
> directly into the intake port on the pump.  I'm used
> to having a large
> volume of fuel coming from the vent port on top of
> the pump and
> returning to the fuel tank.  There was nothing but a
> trickle.  The
> engine would run for 5-10 seconds, then die.  The
> filter screen on the
> banjo bolt for the vent had big chunks of brown
> stuff on the *inside*.
> I thought for sure that the pump was defective,
> figuring the vane pump
> inside could not create enough vacuum to draw fuel
> from the tank.  The
> only alternative seemed to be to admit defeat,
> remove the pump, repair
> or replace the pump, at a cost of at least $400-500.
>  Having nothing to
> lose, we tried running a can of LubroMoly Diesel
> Purge through the pump
> instead of diesel fuel.  We used one of the banjo
> bolts for the intake
> side on the vent instead of the normal one with the
> screen filter.  We
> used clear aquarium tubing to help the diagnostic
> process.  You would
> not believe the stuff that came out of the injector
> pump!  Diesel Purge
> is clear, but the outflow from the pump was dark
> brown with huge chunks
> of sediment.  I assume that it was the residue of
> whatever fuel was used
> to test run the engine at the factory years ago.
> After 15-20 seconds of
> running on straight Diesel Purge, something broke
> loose in the pump and
> it started to work correctly.  The trickle coming
> from the vent turned
> into a strong stream of dark brown *stuff* coming
> out of the vent.  Trip
> to the Bosch shop avoided :-)  Diesel Purge is now
> on my list of
> must-have stuff in the garage.  I view most of it as
> snake oil.  This is
> the *real thing*.
> We ran the engine at about 1800 RPM for 20 minutes
> or so to begin the
> break-in process, then switched back to regular
> diesel.  I always use
> Stanadyne Performance Formula, so that's in there
> too.  Time for a test
> drive.  We head out of the driveway for a short tour
> of the
> neighborhood, and meet utter disappointment head-on.
>  A check of the
> part numbers confirms that the engine I purchased is
> not a 1Y, as
> advertised, but a ADG industrial engine with an
> injector pump that is
> governed to around 3000 RPM.  No external adustments
> have any effect on
> the governed speed.  I now have a giant 30 MPH "tool
> shed" in the
> driveway that looks a lot like a Westfalia camper.
> Hopefully, the
> company that sold me the engine has a solution.
> A strong warning to anyone buying new VW diesel
> engines.  Make sure you
> know what you are getting, because the vendor may
> *not*.  I should have
> looked up the part numbers in ETKA and brought the
> info with me when I
> went to make the purchase.  Now I am faced with
> unanticipated delay and
> possibly a large additional expense that I did not
> budget for.
> For those of you who are interested, I have already
> sent an e-mail to
> the vendor asking how to proceed.
> Mike Snow
> 1982 Westfalia tool shed
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