[Vwdiesel] 81 rabbit 4sp drain plug and seat belts

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Wed Aug 27 21:48:26 EDT 2003

On 27 Aug 2003 at 10:15, Dan Stock <dstock_76 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Can anyone tell me the size of the drain and fill plug on the 4 speed
> transmission? Is it an 17 or 18 mm hex wrench?

It's a 17mm hex.

> Also, should there be a lap belt.  All I have on both of my rabbits is a front
> shoulder belt.

The '81 (and possibly other years) had front shoulder-only belts attached
to the doors, designed to be 'always on', although they could be detached
from the door. If I recall, the car would not start if both belts were not
attached though. I learned to drive on an '81 Rabbit Diesel.. great car, last
time I saw it, it was pushing 500k kms...

Shawn Wright
'88 Westy 375k
'85 Jetta D 263k
'85 Jetta TD 482k (retired)
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