[Vwdiesel] The beach. 2003.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Aug 30 18:53:27 EDT 2003

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If I had known a week ago I would have made it . But I just started fooling=
 around with the injectors in the turbo 1984 Rabbit. It was running really =
well --  lots of power and no smoke.. So why fool around ??? it is fun.
Decided to pull the injectors on the 1982 1.6L NA and the 1.6L turbo. Both =
needed pipe extension to remove.Lots of never-sneeze on them now.        Ho=
wever the "Fine-tuning" has to be done all over again.
Loren  did you get real Bosch nozzles for 4.50 (about) a piece ??? I was qu=
oted more than sixty dollars for a  # 273 nozzle.     I am a hopeless exper=
imenter ,  stuck 1.5L nozzles in to try. Will let you all know how it works.
For those of you who wants to know about "Da Beach"  read Lorens threads.  =

PS: Considering all the in-laws and outlaws I have in that area , it is dis=

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