[Vwdiesel] Rust Prevention

W3wjr at aol.com W3wjr at aol.com
Mon Dec 1 12:26:53 EST 2003

Eastwood corp sells this stuff that real works to stop rust in its tracks.  
Go to there site and search on Rust Encapsulator (it used to be called coraless 
or something like that).


In fact I use this on everything I own.  If I drill a hole, I coat it with 
this stuff before putting the screw or bolt in.  I have seen small amounts of 
spot rust on the bottom of my 98 Jetta, so I hit it with this stuff, and problem 
disappears.  Even nicks in the paint where I mounted a clamp on antenna, coat 
it with this stuff, rust never happens.

Back in 96 I did a "clean up" a VW Wolfsburg Rabbit, floor was full of 
surface rust under the carpet.  I wire brushed it, coated it with coreless and put 
the carpet back in.  Last year I saw the same Rabbit in a junk yard, with the 
windows open, I looked inside, pulled the carpet back and there was no signs of 
the rust getting worse. (end of testimonial)

Also things are looking up for the electronic rust prevention world.  I don't 
know of this one product, but here is information about how electronic rust 
prevention works.


As far as WD40, it will wash off first time it gets wet, if it even last that 

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