[Vwdiesel] Injector pressure setting -- ( by Hagar Feel )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Dec 5 10:56:15 EST 2003

Dana Morphew wrote Dec 04 2003. :

Q:    I'm wondering how accurately you can set the pressure by how it feels.  Can 
you get it within 5 bar? I'm assuming the final setting is somewhat important 
since VW gives a low pressure limit before rebuild.

A:   Lets deal with 130 bar injectors first.    According to Bentley lower limit is 120 bar.
So we are shooting at a 10 bar window. (145 psi?)  I say yes with a little practice that
is possible.

Is the 120 bar setting the absolute minimum ?  absolutely not.  If you have a very tired
Rabbit ---- it may work a lot better at say  100 bar. I use the setting that works best for
a particular engine.For example if there is a very tired cylinder , 120 bar may be best.
On big diesels each and every cylinder is timed and injection volume set  while running, often
by using pyrometers.So here you may see   " 1  100 bar  # 2  135 bar  etc  you get it .
That explains why those little delights in front of the cardboard box (house)  are working
so well.All the little tricks are more or less readable in archives. Look for hillbilly fine tuning
of injection pumps.
If you look way off to the right  in my first thread  , you will see that I mentioned that a small
angle of turn makes a lot of difference.From the point of contact with spring to 130 bar is
only a matter of  a turn or part of a turn.  The indication is acceptable and adding shims is
explained in Bentley   as to how much increase in relation to thickness.I promise to compare
using the testpump and post the results.Weather is stopping me now , since I do it outside.
The first 4 I did --- was not done assembling mated parts.  But randomly selected parts out of 
coffecan  full of springs and barrel parts.Will a VW run on four injectors assembled by hand only ? 
bet your sweet ass. Just don't run em too long.                  

Sure is some fun                  Hagar.

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