[Vwdiesel] Air in the fuel line problems

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Dec 29 03:04:51 EST 2003

Don't sweat it unless the air is still there days from now, it takes quite a
while to work it's way out. If still there days from now, check all
connections for airtightness.  However, this is much more easily said than
done... basically tighten what you can tighten, ensure the hose clamps are
not distorting the hose and clamping well, that sort of thing.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
> Behalf Of Pavneet Arora
> Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 6:36 PM
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Air in the fuel line problems
> Hello again.
> This weekend I replaced the fuel filter in our 1998 Jetta TDI.  The
> problems arose soon after.  After a short start the engine died.  I simply
> was unable to start the car again; no fuel getting to the pump (almost
> discharged the battery attempting to turn it over before I noticed this). 
> I took off the input fuel line at the filter and used a manual siphon to
> get fuel to that point.  Then I removed the fuel line at the pump and did
> the siphon trick again.  However, it seemed to take forever to get fuel
> through, so I started to guess a weak vacuum with the siphon.
> After a lot of back and forth, I managed to get the car to start and it
> seems to run fine.  However, I am observing a lot of air in the
> translucent part of the hose that connects the fuel filter output to the
> pump input (this is the middle part of the three-part hose making this
> connection).  So my question is:  Is this normal?  I am guessing that it
> isn't.  So if it isn't what should I suspect. The control valve not mating
> well with the fuel filter?  The hoses not sealing well at the connections
> (I am using screw type hose clamps).  Or something at the fuel tank end,
> introducing air there?  The only part that is observable is that middle
> translucent part of the line connecting filter to pump.
> If there is air being introduced in the fuel line, then would that explain
> why the pump wasn't able to pull fuel all the way on its own?
> The wierd thing is that the car seems to be running normally, but I really
> hadn't expect to spend 5 hours to change the fuel filter ;-).
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Many thanks and Happy New Year.
> ----
> Pavneet Arora
> waroc informatik
> Strictly high-end audio and home cinema.  Without the attitude.
> phone:  416.937.WAROC (9276)    internet:  www.waroc.com
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