[Vwdiesel] Dieselfuel 101 part 3 . feeding your rabbits.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Feb 3 17:08:24 EST 2003

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How NOT to feed your rabbits  or  using bad fuel !.    Read on.
Lots of dieselcars came about due to taxation. (on gasoline), , Man buy a 1=
980 Rabbit  ,,likes it so much he get a spare to store in basement.(They we=
re  cheap at the time). Engine craps out , man ask VW for a new engine unde=
r warranty. VW strips it down and check fuel type  ---warranty denied due t=
o improper fuel.  Man takes #2 out of basement   ,,(your right)   it craps =
out.  Am I getting IT  out ?.    pay attention to your feedstock.       I s=
uspect  "Stoveoil"  "Funaceoil"  or such was the problem ,   Remember no sp=
ecs apply on those for  Diesel use.               Proper feed ???   # 2 die=
sel.            Hagar.

PS:  part 4 may follow.

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