[Vwdiesel] Cracked Heads 1.5L NA and 1.6L NA . and more.
nwall at opei.org
nwall at opei.org
Tue Feb 4 12:12:58 EST 2003
I'll second that. I've never seen those small cracks between the valves many
of you talk about. I've only seen my '85 (mechanical lifter) TD head after it
was removed at 250,000 miles. Absolutely NO cracks.
Quoting Drew MacPherson <drew at scirocco.cs.uoguelph.ca>:
> My .02$ guess is that it has to do with the composition of the alloy. I
> have a number of early 1.6TD heads that do not have cracks between the
> valves ('83 and '84 solid lifter heads.) However I have two 1.6 NA solid
> lifter heads (one '84, one '86) with cracks, and all of the ME/MF hydro
> heads I have have small cracks between the valves.
> Along the way VW stopped making separate castings for TD heads - I figure
> they were trying to cut production costs and figured that small cracks
> were no big deal.
> Drew
> On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
> > > Cooling and too much pedal to the metal .and Aluminium joining Cast
> Iron.
> >
> > I don't really see how the dissimilar metals is the problem with the VW
> > heads cracking. It's between the valves only and it's so consistent that
> it
> > seems to be a stress relief. With where it is it doesn't seem likely to
> be
> > caused by the head bolts, which is where the stress would show up if it
> > were from the two metals.
> > My former machinist (got a better job) first informed me that my
> Rabbit's
> > head was cracked. He then went on to say that all it really meant is
> that
> > it wouldn't do it again/anymore!
> > Loren
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