[Vwdiesel] engine swap problems...

Claudio Mendonca atm_an at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 5 16:15:17 EST 2003

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   I just swapped a 1.6 complete with a 5-speed into a '79 rabbit c.  Two q=

1=2E  The '79 had a 4-speed and the reverse light connection is different o=
n the new    motor (I belive it has an extra prong)...Is there a way to con=
nect them?

2=2E  As the 1.6 warms up, the oil light begins to glow faintly--the warmer=
 it gets the brighter it shines.  The motor has the correct amount of oil i=
n it and it seems to be pumping plenty of oil (I can see oil splashing arou=
nd when I remove the filler cap). Any guesses as to what my problem could b=



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