[Vwdiesel] Glow Plug Relay???

Forrest L King forrestking at juno.com
Wed Feb 5 22:14:49 EST 2003

The 'fuse' is a big ol metal tab, situated on the drivers side of the
firewall under a black plastic cover, in the engine compartment, not
inside the cab.   I hade mine blow - and my mechanic suggested that I
just put a piece of wire in and defeat the fuse - it worked from then on


On Wed, 05 Feb 2003 23:12:14 -0500 "nate kingsley"
<natekingsley at mail.com> writes:
> Hello, I just picked up my first VW, an 86 golf diesel.  The problem
> I am having with the car is that I am not getting any power to the
> bus bar/glow plugs.  Can anybody tell me where there is a fuse or
> relay for the glow plug system
> Thanks.
> Nate Kingsley
> --
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