[Vwdiesel] Temp Gauge ?????.

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Feb 8 12:08:06 EST 2003

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Someone mentioned that I live on the West coast (bananaland) -implying no h=
eat ---But wait , My dream is to take "Bunny Blue" right across the states =
,Texas  and the deserts states so cooling will be an issue.What engine will=
 be going ?  I do not know right now, but if it is a 1.5L NA it will go wit=
h the BIG pulley on the crank.(6 inch) and a small pulley on waterpump.Yes =
Ladies and fellows this old geezer is likely to take a sentimental journey =
around the whole shebang.(with a trunk full of spares and tools)And I will =
NEVER eat rabbit again.Need a rabbitsfoot instead of dice just the same.  O=
nly in Amerika LOL.
Hagar.         Aim for FUN.

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