[Vwdiesel] Dieselfuel 101 part 5. Cetane number.
H .Hagar
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Feb 9 08:17:16 EST 2003
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Feel I have to explain in details ,, so the Newbies can follow.(fuel for du=
mmies)(DOS?) LOL. Where did the Cetane number come from ? The mother of ce=
tane was octane.The two numbers go in opposite direction on a linear scale.=
So you must understand Octane first.Octane is a percentage number from 0 to=
50 octane is half octane and half heptane.Yes these two are liquids.Number =
comes from putting octane in a 1 cylinder test engine.This engine has a cyl=
inderhead that can be moved by a screw. when running the head is screwed do=
wn to engine just starts to KNOCK. . Dial on screw is then marked 100 .Then=
it is run on half and half , dial is marked 50. and so on. Then a unknow=
n gasoline can be tested.I have used a lot of 145 octane gasoline -LOL so t=
hat gums up the system. Answer is lead compounds when added suppresses knoc=
king. Hagar.
PS: part 6 may follow.
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